Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I know what you're thinking. What does Earth Day have to do with writing? Well, the answer is nothing if you look at it from a purely environmental perspective. But today, I want to use the idea of Earth Day to remind writers that there's a lot more to life than staying inside and focusing on your work.

As we all know, writing can be a very solitary profession. It's easy to get caught up in a new world you're building, or characters you're creating, and forget about everything else in your life. Personally, I know how time can get away from you as you sit at your desk and allow the words to flow out of you. One moment you look at your clock and it's 9 am and what feels like only moments later, it's lunch time.

Even if you're on deadline though, you need a break. Time to rest your mind (and fingertips). So I recommend today not only be a day to celebrate the beauty of the Earth, and how we can protect her for future generations, but to stretch our legs and minds beyond the confines of our home/office and computer screen.

Now I'm not saying to stop writing completely (yes, I need to edit desperately today too) but what I AM suggesting is you take a moment to enjoy the day's beauty. Take a ten minute walk. Pack a lunch and go to the park. Jump on your bike and take a quick tour of your neighborhood. Whatever you choose, use today as an opportunity to get out of your head for a while and enjoy the serenity around you.

Even the most brilliant of writers need down time, and what better day than today to enjoy the new blooms, fresh air and a chance to reboot your mind! Your body, and your creative mind, will thank you for it!

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